UPDATE: On July 29, 2019, Daniel Leonard resigned his position on the NJSBA Board of Directors. The resignation was effective immediately.

TRENTON, July 26, 2019—The Executive Committee of the New Jersey School Boards Association today issued a statement condemning the social media posts allegedly made by a member of the Toms River Regional Board of Education who also serves as an Ocean County representative to the NJSBA Board of Directors.

In statements issued earlier this week, Association officials termed the posts “offensive” and “reprehensible.” Today’s statement follows:

Hate speech and bias cannot be tolerated at any level of society. The content of the social media messages at issue is abhorrent. It does not represent the beliefs of our Association. Nor should it ever reflect the values of a local board of education member.

We, as the Executive Committee of the New Jersey School Boards Association, condemn such hate speech.

NJSBA has been asked by members of the public, as well as a number of our own members, to immediately remove the member, Daniel Leonard, from his position on our Board of Directors. Our Association’s Bylaws provide a system for disciplinary action against a Board of Directors member, up to and including removal, based upon due process and a hearing by the NJSBA Ethics Committee following the filing of a complaint. We have provided information on the initiation of the process to members who have expressed interest in filing a complaint.

The New Jersey School Boards Association is committed to educational equity and opportunity. Local school district leaders must provide a secure environment for students, one free of bias and intimidation.


Michael R. McClure, President

Bruce Young, Vice President for County Activities

Tammeisha D. Smith, Vice President for Finance

Karen Cortellino, M.D., Vice President for Legislation and Resolutions

Daniel Sinclair, Immediate Past President

Lawrence S. Feinsod, Ed.D., Executive Director


The New Jersey School Boards Association is a federation of the state’s local boards of education and includes the majority of New Jersey’s charter schools as associate members. NJSBA provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance.