Best Practices for Policy Development and Maintaining the Manual

A Primer on Reorganization Meetings for New Jersey School Board Members

Arts Education, it’s not just a mandate, it’s a spark!
Join Arts Ed NJ representatives to learn about establishing high-impact Arts Education in your district. We will explore what the law mandates, ways the Arts support multiple district priorities, and tools to understand and increase arts offerings in your district. ...
Best Practices for Policy Development and Maintaining the Manual
Join us as experts from NJSBA dive into the intricate process of crafting effective school policies, ensuring they remain relevant and adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of education.

Annual Goal Setting for District Success
The goal of this training session is to equip district leaders, including the superintendent and board members, with the knowledge and skills necessary to collaboratively set and achieve annual goals that align with the district’s vision, mission and strategic planning objectives.

Best Practices for Policy Development and Maintaining the Manual
Join us as experts from NJSBA dive into the intricate process of crafting effective school policies, ensuring they remain relevant and adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of education. This webinar will equip attendees with strategies to navigate policy development, from initial conception and implementation to maintaining the policy manual.

Navigating Education Governance: Insights into QSAC, Contract Review, and Special Education
Join Charles Muller, NJSBA’s business administrator in residence for an informative session delving into the intricacies of education governance in New Jersey. Explore the New Jersey Quality Accountability Continuum (QSAC), established by NJSA 18A:7A-10 and NJAC 6A:30, designed to assess school districts across vital areas such as instruction, fiscal management, personnel, operations, and governance. Gain insights into the review and approval processes for key administrative contracts outlined in NJSA 18A:7-8(j) and NJAC 6A:23A-3.1, while also examining best practices and statutory requirements. Additionally, uncover crucial aspects of Special Education, from Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to funding sources like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and parental rights in ensuring quality education for special needs students.

The BOE’s Appraisal Responsibility: Evaluating The CSA
Evaluation of the superintendent’s performance is one of a school board’s statutorily-required, and most important, responsibilities. Whether you are a new board member or just looking for a refresher, join us as we explore the components of the evaluation process and tips for completing the process effectively and efficiently.

Efficiency and Fairness: Using Parliamentary Procedures to Enhance Your Board Meeting Process
With a new board year underway, board presidents can sometimes feel stressed and frustrated when trying to manage their board meeting process, while board members may feel that they aren’t able to have their voices heard during the board meeting. Using Parliamentary Procedures can provide tools to help facilitate better organized discussions and group decision making at the board table. This webinar will provide ideas, processes, tips, and food for thought on improving meeting efficiency and effectiveness.

Proposed Changes to Title IX Regulations: What We Know and What Districts Need to Know
Join NSBA staff for a review of the proposed regulation changes to Title IX and what districts will need to know. Title IX coordinators are welcome but all staff and board members will benefit from this important information to ensure an educational program free from sex discrimination.