School Board Notes
New Jersey's weekly education report offers up-to-date information on legislation, court decisions and other developments affecting school districts.
June 13, 2023 • VOL. XLVI NO. 43
Legislative Update: Committees Advance Various Education Bills; Joint Committee Discusses FAFSA Graduation Requirement
In the last week, the Assembly Education, Senate Budget and Appropriations, and Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation Committees have advanced various pre-K-12 education bills.
Introducing NJSBA Connection: Empowering School Leaders with a Revolutionary Online Platform
The New Jersey School Boards Association is proud to unveil NJSBA Connection -- a groundbreaking member-only platform designed to connect, engage and empower its members.
Education Professionals Gather at NJSBA's School Security & Safety Conference
Throughout the day, school board members, school administrators and others learned about mandated CRG mapping, threat assessments, ransomware resilience, lockdowns and much more.
New Jersey State Board of Education Acts on Items at June Meeting
At its June meeting, the New Jersey State Board of Education heard updates and acted on various items.
Learn to Navigate Turbulent Seas with Apple Education Reps and More Speakers at NJSBA’s Leadership Conference
As part of the Leadership Conference series, the New Jersey School Boards Association will host part two of “Calming the Waters of Turbulent Seas” on Friday, June 23, 2023.
Shine the Spotlight: Nominate Your Unsung Education Superheroes at Workshop 2023
Recognize your school’s “unsung heroes” by nominating them for the New Jersey School Boards Association’s “Unsung Superheroes in Education” awards.
Do You Know Who Could Be the 2023-2024 New Jersey School Board Member of the Year?
The New Jersey School Boards Association is currently seeking nominees for the School Board Member of the Year award, which is entering its nineteenth year.
Six New Jersey Schools Recognized For Innovative Climate Action Projects
Atlantic City Electric, Exelon, the Drumthwacket Foundation and Sustainable Jersey honored six student teams for their NJ Student Climate Challenge action projects.
NJDOE Offers Liquidation Extension Request Process for ESSER II Funds
Late liquidation is based on individual, properly obligated, purchase orders and cannot be entertained for obligated amounts due to poor planning or fiscal management.
Safe and Sound Schools' Executive Director to Speak at NJDOE School Safety Speaker Series
Michele Gay, a mother, educator and co-founder of Safe and Sound Schools, will share her personal story and recount the lessons she learned in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook School tragedy.
$73.8 Million in Grants Available to Promote Student Well-being Through Full-Service Community Schools
Community schools meet the unique needs of the neighborhoods they serve by leveraging local assets, intentionally collaborating with nonprofit, private sector and agency partnerships to bring services into school buildings.
USDOE Announces $368M in Grant Opportunities to Focus on Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Career Advancement
The U.S. Department of Education recently announced the availability of more than $368 million in new grant opportunities through the Education Innovation and Research program and the Teacher and School Leader Incentive program that advance investments in teacher recruitment and retention.