Legal and Labor Relations
NJSBA provides valuable legal and labor relations information, training, services, and resources to help guide your district.
Attorney of the Day
An NJSBA staff attorney is available at 1-609-278-5279 to provide legal information to board members, school administrators, member charter school board trustees, and AMPSA members.
Labor Relations Assistance
Have your labor questions answered by our Legal and Labor Relations staff members on a wide range of topics such as negotiations, salary guides, settlement rates, and more.
Labor Relations Salary Guide Wellness Check and Salary Guide Development Service
Are your school district salary guides consistent with current standards? Do they address the needs of your district? As part of your membership, NJSBA can provide a “Wellness Check” analysis to uncover where the issues may be. NJSBA also offers a low-cost salary guide development service.
Labor Relations Information/Resources
Review articles and resources on pertinent topics including reductions-in-force, leaves of absence, and other important matters affecting labor relations.
Topical School Law Resources
NJSBA’s staff attorneys provide information on the Annual School Election, the School Ethics Commission’s decisions and opinions, and school governance through FAQs, reports, and outlines. NJSBA’s Index to School Law Decisions is also included as a resource.
Visit Topical School Law Resources
Throughout the year, our legal and labor relations staff provides training and information through forums such as county school boards association meetings, NJSBA’s Annual School Law Forum, the state-required Governance I, II, III, and IV programs, and presentations at a wide range of programs sponsored by educational and legal organizations. Whether the topic is negotiations, the New Jersey School Ethics Act, the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, the Open Public Meetings Act or the Open Public Records Act, the staff attorneys serve as excellent resources on the responsibilities of local boards of education and their members.
Amicus Curiae
NJSBA participates as amicus curiae, or “friend of the court,” in cases of statewide significance to local school districts.
The Associate Membership Program for School Attorneys is the only organization dedicated exclusively to New Jersey’s school board attorneys. From conferences to subscriptions to consultation, AMPSA offers unparalleled training opportunities and information resources essential to school law practice.
The New Jersey Personnel Administrators Association (PAA) promotes efficient and effective employment practices through training, publications and information. Coordinated by NJSBA’s Legal and Labor Relations team, PAA offers its members a forum to share trends and developments taking place in the field.
Negotiations Advisor
This subscription service offers a comprehensive guide to school district negotiations covering all aspects of the bargaining process.
PERC Index
This subscription service includes summaries of all Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) decisions on the scope of negotiations and unfair labor practices, as well as a topical index and case name index.