Tuesday’s snowstorm affected school bond referendum voting in three New Jersey districts. However, voters who braved the storm in two South Jersey districts had the opportunity to cast ballots on construction proposals. The Paulsboro Board of Education, in Gloucester County, and Sterling Regional High School district, in Camden County, went forward with voting. Paulsboro voters passed the district’s $8.1 million proposal, in two questions, while citizens in the Sterling district rejected $10.4 million in school improvements. Voting was postponed in the Demarest and Saddle River districts in Bergen County, and Middlesex County’s South River district. The new referendum date for the three districts will be February 10. In the five districts that were originally scheduled for a vote on Tuesday, there had been $36.5 million in school construction proposed, including school additions, roof replacements, security enhancements and athletic facility improvements. Most of the projects, if approved, would qualify to receive state funding to cover part of the cost, through grants or debt service aid or both. Following is a summary of the five school construction proposals:


DEMAREST: Postponed (Update: Referendum was rejected in a vote on Feb.10)

Expansion of Luther Lee Emerson School and Demarest Middle School, and renovation of County Road School.

Total amount: $9,649,732

State funds: $454,388

SADDLE RIVER: Postponed (Update: Referendum was approved in a vote on Feb.10)

Replacement and upgrade of HVAC system at Wandell Elementary School.

Total amount: $3,097,091

State funds: $1,238,836



Improvements to Sterling High School, including roof replacement, HVAC replacement, new security doors, improvements to athletic and performing arts facilities.

Total amount: $10,423,215

State funds: $4,578,678


PAULSBORO: Both Questions Approved

Proposal 1: Various improvements to high school and elementary school.

Total amount: $7,000,198

State funds: $4,991,470

Proposal 2: Improvements to high school track and tennis courts, and elementary school baseball field and basketball court. Eligible for approval only if Proposal 1 passes.

Total amount: $1,123,750


SOUTH RIVER: Postponed (Update: Referendum was approved in a vote on Feb.10)

Various school improvements, including roof replacements and security upgrades.

Total: $5,222,111

State funds: $2,768,983