Welcome to School Leader, the official publication of the New Jersey School Boards Association. Our award-winning quarterly magazine is geared to the informational needs of school board members and administrators. School Leader highlights trends in public education, features special editorial sections on important topics, spotlights local boards of education and offers NJSBA service and program information.


Chief Public Affairs Officer

Janet Bamford

Managing Editor

Thomas A. Parmalee

Arts Editor

Stacy Moorhead


Taylor Salton


School Leader wants to know what’s on your mind. Letters will be edited for length and clarity and should be 300 words or less. Anonymous letters will not be published. Submissions must include name, district and contact information for verification purposes.


Articles from School Leader may be reprinted and photocopied for individual educational use, provided the following copyright notice appears on each copy: “Reproduced with permission from the [month/year] issue of School Leader. Copyright [year], New Jersey School Boards Association.” For more information, contact Ann Marie Smith or call (888) 886-5722, extension 5209.


Materials published in each issue represent the ideas or beliefs of the authors, and are not necessarily the views or policies of the New Jersey School Boards Association, nor are they an endorsement of any product or service. School Leader is the official publication of the New Jersey School Boards Association, Trenton, N.J.


Subscription Inquiries and Address Changes—Contact Ann Marie Smith at (888) 886-5722, ext. 5209.