The 2021-2022 charter school payment schedules based on the Oct. 15, 2021, actual enrollment count are available on the New Jersey Department of Education’s Homeroom webpage in the School Aid application, according to a memo from the NJDOE.

Districts receiving a notice for the first time must initiate payments to charter schools in accordance with the 2021-2022 payment schedule. For all other districts, enrollment changes since the June 2021 projected enrollment are reflected in the new 2021-2022 payment schedule, and districts must make the appropriate adjustments as indicated in the payment schedules.

If the Oct. 15, 2021, payment schedule reflects charter school aid that differs from the charter school aid calculated in the payment schedule based on June 2021 projected enrollment, charter schools must submit a revised board-approved 2021-2022 budget to the attention of the charter school’s fiscal liaison in the NJDOE, Office of Charter Schools.

First-year charter school students who attended nonpublic schools last year are not included in the district’s payment schedule. These students are funded by the state with direct payments to the charter school.

The fiscal responsibility for any charter school student currently enrolled in a private day or residential school remains with the district of residence. These students are funded by the district of residence with direct payments to the private school. These students are identified in the charter school enrollment system.

Charter school students enrolled in schools serving grades 9 through 12 may attend approved half-day vocational programs. Since these students are enrolled in the charter school half-time, the district of residence is only required to remit half of all required per pupil amounts for these students.

Any adjustment is spread evenly over the remaining pay periods in the school year. The next revision to this payment schedule will be sent in July 2022, based on actual average daily enrollment as of the last day of school.

For district and charter school records and auditing purposes, please print the following:

  • A detailed listing of students enrolled in the charter school. This information is accessed through the NJDOE’s Charter School Enrollment System application.
  • Charter school payment schedules. This information is accessed through the school aid application in the NJDOE’s Homeroom webpage.

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