On Friday, June 10, the New Jersey School Boards Association will present its annual School Public Relations Forum, virtually, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The session offers two Board Member Academy credits.
The theme for this year’s event is Proactive PR: Get Ahead of the Controversy.
“With the challenges of the pandemic, it’s never been more important for school boards to know how to respond to concerns from the public,’ said Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, executive director of NJSBA. “We continue to make it a priority to provide training in this area and our School Public Relations Forum will not disappoint.”
School officials are on the front lines and require the know-how to handle public criticism and complaints. From executive leadership style and speech to role playing different scenarios that they may encounter during public meetings, this virtual four-hour training program will provide officials with actionable tips and resources.
An expert panel will also address communicating on hot topics that continue to garner national attention. Breakout rooms and question-and-answer sessions will propel more in-depth discussions.
Plus, the NJSBA 2022 PR Forum sessions will be recorded and available for viewing for 30 days after the program ends.
Let this year’s virtual NJSBA PR Forum help you become a more effective leader! Sign up today!
Registration The member rate for this program is $75 per person. The school business administrator must handle registration. Register here.
For questions on this program, email Ann Marie Smith.