Workshop 2022 is an ideal opportunity for school leaders to refresh their knowledge about vital topics in education and learn valuable strategies for improving the quality and efficiency of their local district.
Workshop offers a wide variety of training opportunities starting Monday, Oct. 24 through Wednesday, Oct. 26. Monday is a full day of action labs and group session training programs. Additionally, a special presentation of Governance I: New Board Member Orientation (separate registration required by school business administrator) will be offered, as well as training on school law, labor relations, student achievement, sustainability and more.
New on Monday: Patrick Dunning of The Signature Project, which provides a multisensory theatrical experience, will address participants. In the great tradition of Irish artists, he weaves together stories and images, blending art and technology as he brings a large mural to life. The Monday keynote will take place in Room 302 at 12:30 p.m. Food concessions will be open on the third floor to purchase lunch before going into the keynote address.
Workshop 2022 will also feature several new programs and events. A Student Innovations Showcase on the Exhibit Floor, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 25 and 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – will feature the Student Film Festival, Student Art Gallery and a condensed version of STEAM Tank.
Student Art Gallery: NJSBA is partnering with Arts Ed NJ to feature an art gallery showcasing student artwork on the Exhibit Floor. The gallery includes artwork recognized for excellence by the Appel Farm Arts & Music Center’s Scholastic Art Awards Gold Key recipients from South Jersey; N.J. Division on Civil Rights Youth Bias Student Art Competition; the Y.A.L.E. School’s Tri-State Disability Art Show; and other prestigious art programs.
Student Film Showcase: NJSBA, along with the Garden State Film Festival and the New Jersey Motion Picture and Television Commission, will screen “the Best of the Fest” student films. These films were recognized and featured in the 2022 Garden State Film Festival — one of the most prestigious film festivals in the United States. The showcase will be set up in true movie theater style with a big screen, popcorn machine, red carpet and red velvet stanchions and a stage. There will also be a Q&A session with students and the TV/film teachers who produced, directed and edited the films.
2022 STEAM Tank Challenge: The STEAM Tank Challenge encourages students to apply science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) in response to world issues. It encourages students to contribute to making the country sustainable, healthy, equitable and safe. Come watch our student innovators as they showcase their winning ideas on the STEAM Tank stage.
Participants are encouraged to stop by the Student Innovations Showcase and experience the talent of our New Jersey students.
Also new is a PAA Lounge on the Exhibit Floor all day Tuesday and Wednesday. The Lounge will provide numerous opportunities to connect with the brightest minds in recruiting and talent management and learn how to reach untapped or underleveraged talent pools and retain high performers. There will also be an Esports Arena, powered by SHI (Booth 410), where you can experience the excitement of scholastic esports and augmented reality. This area will include student-led demonstrations of esports, virtual volleyball and other classroom technology.
Other Important Information
NJSBA is providing transportation service between the convention center and hotels via jitney for Workshop 2022. The jitney schedule and pickup locations are listed below.
Registration: The cost of Workshop group registration (up to 25 district team members) for boards of education and member charter schools is $2,200. Individual registration is $550.
The Workshop group registration covers 25 team members. District group registration may include the school board members (who can earn Board Member Academy credits), business administrator (who can earn QPA or Qualified Purchasing Agent credits), superintendents, principals, charter school trustees and lead persons, school technology professionals, school facilities managers (who can earn CEFM – Certified Educational Facilities Manager Professional Development credits), curriculum directors, human resource professionals, educators and other district staff.
Registration must be handled by the school business administrator only. All business administrators have received registration instructions, which are available on the Workshop website.
Workshop registration must be handled by the business administrator. Team members can come for one day or all three.
For updates and more information, visit the Workshop website.