The New Jersey Department of Education announced that it has provided local educational agencies their spring 2022 statewide assessment results, triggering a series of reporting requirements. To support these requirements, NJDOE provided a timetable of when LEAs must report spring 2022 New Jersey Student Learning Assessment and Dynamic Learning Maps results to parents and local boards of education.

The table below details when LEAs received Individual Student Reports as well as the 30-day-deadline date to distribute results to parents and guardians and the 60-day deadline date to report assessment results to local boards of education. All assessment results were sent to district central offices. Districts are encouraged to review results in conjunction with locally administered assessments to determine how to support mastery of standards. As shown below, by Nov. 9, 2022, a district must report its results on the spring 2022 NJSLA (English language arts, math, and science), ACCESS for English language learners and DLM to its local board of education. The report must include aggregated and disaggregated subgroup data, comparative analyses and appropriate intervention strategies. The NJDOE plans to publicly release statewide district- and school-level data in early fall.

Assessment ProgramsISRs received in district no later than30 days after receipt of results to report to parents60 days after receipt of results to report to the local board of education



Sept. 9, 2022


Oct. 10, 2022


Nov. 9, 2022


Dynamic Learning Maps


Sept. 9, 2022


Oct. 10, 2022


Nov. 9, 2022


ISRs were sent to both the sending and receiving districts for students who receive their instruction at a school other than their accountable school. Once districts receive their ISRs, a copy must be mailed to parents or guardians within 30 days. The NJDOE encourages districts to share the ISRs with students’ families as soon as possible.

Summative and summary files were made available electronically to assigned school and district staff Aug. 29, 2022. The NJDOE encourages school and district leaders to review, analyze and discuss assessment results with staff as soon as possible.

Districts will also receive a new report, the Assessment Results Summary Report, which is designed to provide organizational level summary data according to various parameters.

Get details on reporting requirements, information on a new online portal with video score reports as well as a digital item library and new meridian item library and an array of district communication resources by referring to the NJDOE’s full advisory.

Parental Notification of Standardized Assessments

The NJDOE also issued an advisory reminding school districts, charter schools and renaissance school projects of statutory requirements (N.J.S.A. 18A:7C-6.6) to annually notify parents or guardians by Oct. 1 of any statewide student assessment or commercially developed standardized assessment that will be administered over the course of the school year. Districts are encouraged to schedule the administration of state and local assessments within the context of their local scope and sequence to maximize the amount of instructional time students have before participating in the assessments.

If a school district, charter school or renaissance school project elects to administer an additional commercially developed standardized assessment after Oct. 1, then the information shall be provided within 30 days of that determination.

Get further details on what information must be provided to parents or guardians, a sample template that will help in implementing the provisions of the statute and more information by referring to the full advisory.

Submission of NJQSAC District Performance Review Documents

The NJDOE also announced in an advisory that the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum portal on the NJDOE Homeroom website is now open for school district submission of NJQSAC documents. The advisory includes information on how NJDOE will measure NJQSAC indicators impacted by the cancelation of the spring 2020 and spring 2021 NJSLA.

The submission of NJQSAC documents must be completed on or before Nov. 15, 2022. To provide clarity and improve consistency, the NJDOE has posted the NJQSAC User Manual and the NJQSAC County Special Services School District User Manual on its website. School districts are encouraged to review this manual prior to submitting the NJQSAC self-evaluation.

Get further details on the submission process and additional information by referring to the full advisory.