Local educational agencies are encouraged to participate in the Governor’s Educator of the Year program to honor the hardworking teachers and educational services professionals for their dedication to students and to the profession, according to an advisory from the New Jersey Department of Education.

The recognition program promotes a culture that recognizes excellence, creates a sense of pride and brings public attention to the work of outstanding educators. LEAs are encouraged to consider exceptional educators with diverse backgrounds that represent the ethnic and racial diversity of our state.

  • Review all Governor’s Educator of the Year Program Materials.
  • Access all pertinent forms such as the Nomination Form, Nomination Form Scoring Guide, and School Information Form on the program materials link above.
  • Adhere to the program timelines and eligibility criteria by following the school-level instructions to nominate and select one Teacher of the Year and one Educational Services Professional of the Year per school by Nov. 28, 2023.
  • Register your Teacher of the Year and Educational Services Professional of the Year by first uploading your completed School Information Form and then completing the fields in the GEOY online form by Dec. 4, 2023.
  • Notify all nominated educators in your school by Dec. 8, 2023.

All registered Teachers of the Year and Educational Services Professionals of the Year will receive an awards certificate from their respective county office of education.

If you have questions, contact the NJDOE via email.