Superintendent Relations
Superintendent Searches
Staff provides search assistance as part of dues-based services. This assistance includes training in the search process, sample materials and questions, interview training, assistance with the superintendent contract and superintendent evaluation process, as well as assisting with development of district goals and providing the training necessary to establish a firm board/superintendent relationship. If, however, you wish staff to serve as a professional employment consultant – processing applications, providing complete, confidential secretarial support, making interview appointments, and critiquing board interview techniques – there is an additional fee involved. Contact your Field Service Representative for more information.
Superintendent Evaluation
Staff provides initial training and oversight to assist boards in developing process, compiling materials, and structuring the summary conference. Staff can also assist the board in the analysis of current evaluation instruments and can make recommendations for changes to meet current legal and operational needs. Sample instruments to measure both leadership skills and progress toward goals/objectives can be downloaded from this website.
Superintendent Contracts
Staff provides information on and analysis of superintendents’ contracts in conjunction with districts’ legal counsel. NJSBA has prepared some material to assist your board in negotiating a new contract. The materials include an explanation of the Superintendent Tenure Law, an analysis of the Association of School Administrator’s Model Contract, as well as a suggested process for negotiating a contract. Sample contracts and benefit information are also available. We will assist you in reviewing the superintendent’s contract and job description and the district’s goals.
Superintendent Relations Consultation
An effective relationship between the board and the superintendent is key to a successful district. Your Field Service Representative can assist the board towards improving that relationship by providing a sympathetic ear, consultation on how to analyze relationship problems, and specific alternatives for problem resolution. Specific training and workshops on team-development, communications and conflict management are available and customized to handle the specific needs of boards.
For more information contact the Field Services Department at 609-278-5218.
Grading Your Superintendent – Superintendent Evaluations
The exercise of evaluating your superintendent is one of the most important responsibilities a school board has. It’s also a legal requirement.