Benefits: Sustainability Consulting
Dues-Based Support
NJSBA staff members have been educated on sustainable practices in the areas of strategic planning, green goal-setting, policy, and other functions of school governance as they relate to a sustainable schools. NJSBA sustainability subject matter experts (SMEs) will work with your field service representative to customize sustainability plans for your district. This includes identifying key sustainable characteristics when conducting a superintendent search.
Our services are competitive with other organizations that offer sustainability services. Our sustainability SMEs look at the whole school and not just one or two areas. We actively explore ways to maximize savings in every system and function of your school.
End Result
NJSBA will provide verbal guidance based on a walkthrough of your schools, followed by a written report offering suggestions for actions that can be taken to maximize results. This document will become your school’s roadmap. The report can be shared with key stakeholders and expanded upon, based on input from your established green team.