Project Professional Development Delivery
Professional Development Workshops
- Waste Management & Recycling: Attendees gained a custodial perspective of how to run an efficient lunchroom, and how to engage high school They also learned the food service perspective of waste reduction. Waste management audit best practices and bid specs were also addressed. Two valuable and related videos were shown — Story of Stuff and Story of Bottled Water — and districts were offered a DVD of Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home if they committed to show the movie in their school as a public service. In addition to a certificate of completion for all participants, Continuing Education Units (CEU) credit for Facility Managers was approved by the NJ Buildings and Grounds Association and provided for those who were eligible.
- Green Leadership: Pilot schools reported their measurable goals and were introduced to Education for Sustainability with guest speaker Jaimie Cloud, of the Cloud Institute, who presented the Fish Having observed the pilot presentations by the pilot team leaders, Jaimie also offered feedback to each team on valuable next steps in their respective efforts that would support their primary sustainability goals.
- Whole-School Sustainability Framework: This professional development workshop was held in early 2015 at the NJSBA offices, which were chosen as a venue to demonstrate NJSBA’s leadership role in sustainable Training focused on areas such as water refilling stations and cultivating a school culture for sustainability through a whole-school approach. Presenters had extensive experience in cutting-edge sustainability training and, at the request of team leaders, shared best practices that have been implemented nationwide. Additionally at this training, Elkay donated a water refilling station, which one pilot school subsequently installed at the end of the school year and will use to track the number of water bottles being diverted.
- Submit monthly reports customized to track specific measurable objectives
Additional Leadership Education
Best practices, lessons learned and observations from team leaders were shared with various audiences through the NJSBA Workshop & Green Command Center in October 2013 and 2014 in Atlantic City.
Opportunities to learn and network with like-minded individuals were provided at NJSBA’s Workshop 2013 and Workshop 2014. At Workshop 2013 a NJSSP informational breakfast session sponsored by Schneider Electric was held. Educational sessions were held in the iSTEM and Green Command Center for team leaders and covered topics such as connections to the classroom, green leadership, and marrying facilities projects to student learning.
Communication loops were established to keep team leaders in constant contact with their peers and give them an opportunity to request targeted support from program administrators.