Project Recommended Actions
Recommended Actions to Support Schoolwide Sustainable Practices
- Provide guidance through policy development in the areas of:
- professional development for all key stakeholders involved in the daily operations of the school;
- personnel job responsibilities;
- general administration;
- fiscal and business management for energy procurement, conservation and efficient systems, waste management, water conservation, green purchasing;
- physical plant operations and maintenance;
- community relations and transparency for sustainability efforts and clarify the benefits and connections to the community;
- education for sustainability; and
- health and wellness
- Create a green team consisting of teachers, facility directors, students, board members, parents, business and industry members, associations and government agency representatives
- Approve quality instructional programming by adopting:
- Education for sustainability that aligns to current statewide curriculum standards such as the Next Generation Science Standards as well as connecting student learning to sustainability efforts of the district
- Approve professional development training for staff (administrators, facility directors, teachers, ) aligned to district sustainability goals
- Use school buildings and grounds as teaching tools to apply real-world learning and curriculum standards to achieve academic goals for all students
- Assess district and personnel needs to ensure student achievement of the standards aligned specifically to college and career readiness and the skills students will need to thrive in the 21st century global workplace
- Provide for the effective management of the school by:
- employing and evaluating the chief school administrator’s understanding of sustainable strategies; and
- establishing policies for monitoring district finance, curriculum, buildings & grounds, and personnel, and requiring reports on the results of sustainability policy implementation
- Provide for two-way communication between the community and board by:
- register for NJ Eco-Schools;
- informing the public about the school’s and district’s sustainability programs and how they will impact students and the community financially and environmentally;
- promoting parents’ presence and involvement in the schools’ sustainability efforts;
- evaluating the chief school administrator on how effectively parental input is solicited and considered;
- working to secure public support for the schools and public understanding of school goals in the area of sustainability as a vehicle for ongoing school improvement;
- register for Sustainable Jersey for Schools; and
- apply for Green Ribbon Schools awards recognition program