The Workshop 2020 “call for proposal” is now open. New Jersey School Boards Association is looking for engaging, creative and thoughtful submissions. Proposals should reflect the best practices in education today.
Please consider the following guidelines when submitting a proposal. These criteria will influence the selection of the sessions that will be presented.
What Workshop attendees want:
- Best practices
- Sessions with a greater depth of content
- Sessions that provide tools that can be easily implemented
- Sessions designed to engage and educate
- Sessions with differentiated content for new and veteran school leaders
- Sessions showcasing cutting-edge innovation and technology
Consider submitting a proposal for the following training opportunities at Workshop 2020:
Action Labs are 90-minute programs, limited to 60 attendees that actively involve participants. The majority of the time must be devoted to hands-on tasks directed by the presenter(s). On the Program Proposal Form, please clearly describe the program, spell out the objectives, and include a general list of activities so that the selection committee will be able to assess how the participants will enrich their skills.
Group Sessions are 60-minute programs that allow the presentation of information to up to 150 attendees. At least one-quarter of the program should be devoted to questions and answers. In designing the program, consider using any one of the following formats: single speaker, panel, debate, or some other program structure. If there is more than one presenter, include all of the required information for each individual on the completed Program Proposal Form. These training opportunities are limited to three presenters. Please clearly describe the program and spell out the objectives so that the selection committee will be able to assess how the attendees will benefit.
All Workshop program submissions will receive equal consideration. The deadline for receiving completed forms is Friday, May 1, 2020, by 5 P.M. Those submitting proposals will be notified of the Association’s decision via email by mid-June.
Submit a Workshop Program Proposal Form today.
For more information, contact