TRENTON, July 14, 2018—The New Jersey Department of Education yesterday issued revised 2018-2019 state aid figures, which reflect the state budget compromise reached by Governor Murphy and legislative leaders on June 30.

In addition, the department issued “Guidance on 2018-19 Revised State Aid,” which outlines procedures for districts that will experience increases or decreases in the state aid amounts contained in the budgets they adopted this spring.

The final state budget increases overall education funding by $340 million above last year’s amount. However, it also increases or decreases the aid amounts issued to individual school districts in March.

Although strongly supportive of the increase in total state aid and encouraged by efforts to assist underfunded districts, the NJSBA objected to reductions in other districts’ state aid figures after they had adopted budgets based on preliminary aid numbers.

According to the NJDOE guidance document, districts that received notification of a reduction in general fund state aid, and are able to demonstrate fiscal distress, may apply for additional state assistance.
