Archived and Upcoming Webinars

State Budget Recap & Legislative Update

07/19/2023 11:00 am

This past spring was an incredibly busy time at the State House as the Legislature finalized the FY2024 state budget and advanced many other priorities before they went into summer recess. Join the NJSBA Governmental Relations team, who will provide a rundown of the education highlights of the annual spending plan, information on new laws affecting school districts, and a summary of other recent legislative developments. Staff will be available to answer questions on any recent activity and what we might expect for the remainder of the current legislative session.


FY24 State Budget Update: Education Highlights

05/03/2023 10:00 am

Funding for school districts constitutes one of the largest pots of money in every annual state budget, and Fiscal Year 2024 will be no exception. Join NJSBA governmental relations staff as they provide details on how the governor’s proposed budget for FY2024 will affect school districts. The presentation will include highlights on how the budget impacts existing programs and aid categories, as well as various new initiatives that would direct funds to schools.

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Legislative Update

01/25/2023 11:00 am

Want to know what’s been happening at the State House over the last few months, and what may lie ahead? Join members of the NJSBA Governmental Relations staff to learn about various new education-related measures that have been recently signed into law by the Governor. Staff will also provide updates on noteworthy pending legislation affecting school districts and be available to answer questions from viewers.

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Legislative Update

09/07/2022 11:00 am

Do you want to know what’s been happening at the State House over the last few months, and what may lie ahead? Join members of the NJSBA Governmental Relations staff to learn about the FY2023 state budget and various new education-related measures that have been recently signed into law by the Governor. Staff will also provide updates on noteworthy pending legislation affecting school districts and be available to answer questions from viewers.

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School Safety: The Role of the Student Voice

08/02/2022 10:00 am

If you want a healthy school climate, you must listen to students. Has your district thought about how it will welcome student board representatives, now required by law (N.J.S.A. 18A:12-1.3)? Have you determined how they will be selected, what they will do, and when to include them in discussions? Join superintendents and board members from districts who currently support student representatives to the school board to learn how these students can serve a vital role on your school safety team.


School Ethics Case Law Update

08/11/2022 10:00 am

What new updates should board members be aware of when it comes to the ethical requirements for board member conduct? Join the NJSBA legal staff for a discussion about recent decisions regarding the School Ethics Act. Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to, conflicts of interest, private action by board members, social media, and other hot topics under the Act.

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