C38-15, 03/22/16 – School Ethics Commission determined that complaint was not timely filed; complaint dismissed.
C03-16, 03/22/16 – School Ethics Commission determined that complaint was not timely filed; complaint dismissed.
C09-14, 04/26/16 – School Ethics Commission determined that complainant failed to appear; complaint dismissed.
C12-14, 04/26/16 – School Ethics Commission determined that complainant failed to respond to motion to dismiss; complaint dismissed.
C41-15, 04/26/16 – School Ethics Commission granted motion to dismiss where petition failed to include a copy of a final decision from any court of law or administrative agency of this State demonstrating that the respondent failed to enforce all laws, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, and/or court orders pertaining to schools or that the respondent brought about changes through illegal or unethical procedures.
C04-16, 05/24/16 – Complaint alleged that superintendent used his office to gain unwarranted privileges. School Ethics Commission found that while it appeared that the superintendent may have exceeded his authority in publishing a clarification letter in response to allegedly erroneous statements made by candidates to board office, no evidence was provided to demonstrate that the superintendent received a benefit or privilege from his unilateral actions. Any potential misconduct should be addressed in a different forum.