Approximately 2,000 views have tuned into the NJSBA-hosted Facebook Live Event, held In conjunction with the first International Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Day, on March 27.
The broadcast featured Alisha De Lorenzo, founder and owner of Living YES, LLC, and a former school district SEL coordinator. She discussed how social-emotional learning practices can improve students’ health and well-being–a critical concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. School board members and others who could not join the live broadcast can access the recorded event.
“The current public health crisis underscores the importance of efforts to ensure students’ emotional health and well-being,” said Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, NJSBA executive director. “We need to be mindful that students, families and teachers are especially in need of support.”
Scores of school leaders, educators and parents agreed, and more than 200 shared their thoughts with comments during the live event.
Thank you, stay safe! This was awesome!!
Learned a lot about how awesome teachers are in NJ.
Very good points on SEL.
We start every day stating gratitude and end every day stating gratitude.
We do a high/low of our day at the end and reflect on what we felt during the high and the low.
The International SEL Day Facebook Live event is one of a wide range of virtual learning opportunities for school leaders, offered by NJSBA. To view the comprehensive list of webinars, podcasts and Facebook Live events, visit the Association’s “Stay Connected” Virtual Program Update and the NJSBA COVID19 Resource Center.
The New Jersey School Boards Association is a federation of the state’s local boards of education and includes the majority of New Jersey’s charter schools as associate members. NJSBA provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance.