School Board Notes
New Jersey's weekly education report offers up-to-date information on legislation, court decisions and other developments affecting school districts.
July 12, 2022 • Vol. XLVI No. 2
NJSBA Welcomes New Executive Director
On July 1, the New Jersey School Boards Association officially welcomed Dr. Timothy J. Purnell as its ninth executive director. He succeeded Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, who retired effective June 30.
NJDOE Releases Fiscal and Programmatic ESSER Guidance
In a pair of July 6, 2022, broadcast memos to school districts, the New Jersey Department of Education released fiscal and programmatic guidance regarding use of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief and other federal funds.
School Leader: How Schools Can Serve Non-English Speaking Families
The latest issue of School Leader magazine, available online, features a cover story on how schools can step up to serve non-English speaking families and numerous other articles of interest to board members and education stakeholders.
Ocean City High School Student to Be Student Representative to State Board of Education
Lauren Knopp, a rising senior at Ocean City High School in Cape May County, will be the State Board of Education student representative for the 2022-2023 school year.
NJDOE Announces $40M in Funding to Help Districts Expand or Establish Preschool Programs
The New Jersey Department of Education has broadened the number of districts that can apply for funding from those that have 20% of their students from lower-income families (as defined by being eligible for free or reduced priced lunch) to districts with 10% of students who meet the income eligibility standards.
USDOE Announces $68 Million in Grants for Full-Service Community Schools
The program will award $68 million to support community schools across the country, which will spur the planning and capacity-building, development, implementation, operation and coordination of effective services for children and families, particularly in areas with high rates of poverty.
Call for Nominations: New Jersey’s Board Member of the Year
New Jersey School Boards Association is seeking nominees for its 18th Annual Board Member of the Year Award, which recognizes a local school board member whose work exemplifies commitment not only to the children of his or her community, but also to public education throughout the state of New Jersey.
Deadlines Loom for Board Candidates in November Election
Those who decide to seek office are encouraged to use the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Candidate Kit as a resource. It provides downloadable PDFs as well as links to important websites.
Workshop Program Proposal Deadline Is July 15
New Jersey School Boards Association is looking for engaging, creative and thoughtful submissions. Proposals should reflect the best practices in education today.
DLGS Accepting Comments on Design-Build Regulatory Proposal
The Division of Local Government Services has issued a Notice of Special Adoption and Concurrent Proposal for the Department of Community Affairs’ design-build regulations, which were published in the July 5th edition of the New Jersey Register.