NJSBA Legislative Testimony (2022-2023 Legislative Session)
November Elections and “Second Questions” (A-2218/S-4080)
Limits on Virtual Instruction and Use of Contracted Employees (A-5874/S-4233)
NJSBA Provides Testimony to Anti-Bullying Task Force (Oct. 5, 2023)
Anti-Privatization Measure (S-1350/A-5430)
Expands Scope of Employee Sick Leave Benefits (A-5060/S-3440)
NJSBA on the NJ Statewide Student Support Services (NJ4S) Proposal (October 2022)
NJSBA Testimony on How to Use American Rescue Plan Funds (August 2022)
Determining Learning Disabilities Under IDEA (S-2256)
Expanding Definition of HIB (A-1841)
Homeschooler Participation in Extracurriculars (A-1041/S-2206)
Limits on Special Education Services in Group Settings (S-3285)
FAFSA Graduation Requirement (A-1181S-2054)
Teacher Shortages and the Impact on Student Achievement (Joint Committee on the Public Schools)
Eliminating edTPA as Certification Requirement (S-896/A-677)