School Board Notes
New Jersey's weekly education report offers up-to-date information on legislation, court decisions and other developments affecting school districts.
April 4, 2023 • VOL. XLVI NO. 33
NJSBA Testifies Before Assembly Budget Committee on Governor’s Proposed Budget
On March 29, Jesse Young, legislative advocate for the New Jersey School Boards Association, testified on behalf of NJSBA at the Assembly Budget Committee’s public hearing on Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget.
Experienced Candidates Seek Positions as NJSBA Officers
A proposed slate of officers selected by the Nominating Committee – as well as a candidate running by petition – will be presented to the delegates for their vote at the semiannual Delegate Assembly on May 13, 2023.
County Leadership Honors Outgoing NJSBA Vice President for County Activities
At the New Jersey School Boards Association's County Activities Leadership meeting on March 25, the group honored Bruce Young, NJSBA vice president for county activities, whose term ends in May.
Workshop 2023 Registration and Housing Reservations Are Now Open
Registration and housing reservations for the New Jersey School Boards Association’s annual Workshop conference are now open.
NJSBA’s Workshop 2023: Call for Program Proposals
NJSBA invites you to share your expertise at this year’s Workshop by submitting a program proposal for an opportunity to present a training session to thousands of New Jersey’s public school leaders.
Student Performance Submissions Now Open for Workshop 2023
The New Jersey School Boards Association is looking for students to sing, dance, perform music and show off other talents to energize the audience at the annual Workshop conference.
Keynote Speaker Announced for NJSBA's Leadership Conference
The conference’s keynote speaker will be Anthony "Skip" Cimino, who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1988-1992 as a representative of the 14th legislative district.
Board Members Meet with Local Assemblywoman
On Friday, March 31, several local school board members and representatives from the New Jersey School Boards Association met with Assemblywoman Aura Dunn for a virtual roundtable to discuss various educational issues.
NJDOE Draws Attention to Requirement to Use ARP-ESSER Funds to Address Learning Loss
The New Jersey Department of Education recently issued a broadcast that draws attention to a core requirement of the American Rescue Plan Act regarding Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds.
School Leader ‘Up Close’ Highlights Paterson’s Confidence Closets
The second feature in the series highlights the innovative Confidence Closet program in Paterson Public Schools, which offers hygiene products to students.
EPA and HHS Encourage Lead Detection and Mitigation in Early Education Settings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently issued a joint letter to governors to encourage state and local governments to use federal funding to take actions to reduce and remove lead in drinking water in early care and education settings.
LEAs Invited to Apply to Receive Portable Air Filtration Purifiers to Support Clean Air Environments
All New Jersey schools are eligible to receive portable high-efficiency particulate air filtration purifiers and up to three corresponding replacement HEPA filters per unit at no-cost from a state-sponsored vendor.
Get an Overview of Services Offered by the Regional Deaf Education Centers of Excellence
Districts that have identified a student who is deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf disabled and are seeking consultation, an appropriate program, or other services are encouraged to attend the virtual presentation.