School Leader
School Leader, NJSBA’s quarterly magazine, focuses on trends and issues of interest to boards of education and their top administrators.
Fall 2022 Vol. 53 No. 2
President's Message: New Beginnings at Workshop
This year, I am happy to undertake a new Workshop task – introducing and welcoming NJSBA’s new executive director, Dr. Timothy Purnell. As you may know, he was the unanimous choice of the NJSBA Executive Director Search Committee.
Executive Word: Every Child Needs a Champion
In this latest issue of School Leader, you’ll find articles that will help you navigate these challenging times, including an issue I’m particularly passionate about: easing the teacher shortage.
ELFNJ Spotlight: NJSBA County Meetings Gear Up for Fall
This fall, NJSBA’s county school boards association meetings will continue to be hybrid — with board members able to attend in person and virtually.
Legally Speaking: Prayer at the 50-Yard Line: The Religious Rights of Public School Staff
Courts have struggled to distinguish religious-themed activities and symbols that cross the line from those with enough secular significance to pass constitutional muster.
Labor Lookout: Trends in Collective Negotiations
Comparative data can provide boards with a sense of what other districts are doing. It can also provide board members with a sense of how competitive their district is in various areas.
Field Perspective: Questions from the Field
Periodically, the FSRs, who are all former board members themselves, share with School Leader magazine some of the questions they’ve recently fielded. This article includes a sampling of some of the latest queries.
Head of the Class: The Show Must Go On
When Ocean Township High School (Monmouth County) drama teacher Chelsea Gower was planning for the 2020-2021 school year, she was determined that her students would have the opportunity to perform and showcase their talents.