Archived and Upcoming Webinars

School Safety: Addressing Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

06/29/2022 11:00 am

New Jersey was one of the first states in the nation to recognize and pass legislation to address the devastating effects of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) in our classrooms and its impact on student learning. Join NJSBA staff attorneys for a discussion of a school district’s obligations under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, including understanding the definition of HIB and reporting and investigation requirements.


Using Comparative Data

05/25/2022 11:00 am

This session provides information on using comparative data at the bargaining table; how to produce meaningful comparisons utilizing additional criteria; guidance on when and how to use the data; and points you to resources to help with your research. Current trends in teacher contract settlements will also be presented.

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The BoE President/Superintendent Team: Leadership Meeting the Needs of Their District

05/18/2022 10:00 am

Boards of Education have two essential leadership responsibilities: 1) To lead the district through policies and 2) to oversee the work of one employee-the Chief School Administrator/Superintendent. The panel discussion among five teams of Board Presidents/CSAs focuses on the collaborative, decision-making processes that include comprehensive discussions at the board table.

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Windows 11 in Education: Made to Empower Every Student

04/07/2022 1:00 pm

In this webinar, learn how end users can deliver high-quality learning tools for students of all abilities with Windows 11 for education on devices that are secure, easy to deploy, and manage. We will also show education devices that help end-users perform on a wide range of cost-effective, personalized education devices built for learning. We will also touch on the new, cloud-first operating system— Windows 11 SE, built for Education.

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Use NJSBA’s website to Enhance your Professional Learning

04/06/2022 11:00 am

Join members from the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Professional Learning Division to explore the NJSBA website and how it can help support you on your journey as a board member. This program will introduce you to the website and how to attain NJSBA’s certifications, access transcripts, comply with legislatively required trainings, register for programs, and access online program content you attend.

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