Whether you’re a new board member or a seasoned veteran, there are always new leadership skills to explore. NJSBA offers training opportunities to help you reach your full potential as a board member.
Consider serving your community as a volunteer member of your local board of education.
Serving on Your Local Board of Education
Many NJSBA members say that serving on a local board of education has been one of the most rewarding experiences of their lives. Being a board member allows individuals to have a direct impact on the quality of education in their local schools and provides a significant way to give back to the community.
Be part of a great American heritage: Serve on your local school board! Whether you are a current board member or a citizen interested in serving on your community’s board of education, NJSBA provides critical training, information and assistance.”
NJSBA Candidate Kit
NJSBA’s Candidate Kit provides vital resources as well as links to important websites for anyone considering running for their local school board. School board secretaries and residents interested in board member candidacy can access the free kit, which includes information on important dates, a nominating petition, how to become a school board member, the requirements of the New Jersey School Ethics Act, criminal background checks, campaign reporting requirements and more.
NJSBA has several resources to answer questions about board candidacy requirements, board of education elections and what candidates need to know. Learn more about these topics below:
NJSBA’s 2024 November School Board Election Candidate Kit Now Available Online for Downloading
The New Jersey School Boards Association has posted the 2024 November Election Candidate Kit online at NJSBA Candidates Kit on the NJSBA website. This year’s November annual school election will be held Nov. 5, 2024. The deadline for candidates to submit their nominating...
Topics: Candidacy
NJSBA Holds Regional Meetings for School Board Candidates
On Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022, the New Jersey School Boards Association held regional meetings in the northern, central and southern portion of the state to provide information to school board candidates.
Topics: Candidacy
Asked & Answered: Candidate Endorsements
With the November school election season underway, board candidates may have questions concerning endorsements. The following will provide information about the interaction between New Jersey’s school ethics law and candidate endorsements. Can sitting board members endorse school board candidates? Yes. Current...