Elevate New Jersey Schools with Effective Governance

We Support Local Boards of Education
The New Jersey School Boards Association, a federation of boards of education, provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance.
Our Services
Our services help you carry out your responsibilities, tackle tough challenges, and realize the rewards of successful boardsmanship.

Quick Resources
Find Your Field Service Representative
Your field service representative (FSR) is a wonderful resource and your district’s primary point of contact with NJSBA.
Resource Library
Get insights and best practices on school finance, negotiations, cybersecurity and much more.
County Associations
NJSBA offers training close to home through county school boards associations.
CSA & Board Self Evaluations
NJSBA provides online resources to help your board with your superintendent evaluation or board self evaluation.
NJSBA Connection
NJSBA Connection is a groundbreaking member-only platform designed to connect, engage, and empower its members.
NJSBA Member Volunteer Application
One of the most important aspects of NJSBA membership is active participation in the public education community. Share your time or expertise by serving on an NJSBA committee or volunteering for other NJSBA initiatives.

Latest Technology in Schools
Educational technology has had a profound impact on teaching and learning. Keep up with this rapidly evolving field.
Board Policy
Effective policies are at the core of good school board governance; they provide guidance and ensure compliance with state and federal law.
School Law
Learning the basics of school law enables board members to make decisions that align with legal requirements and support their district’s educational mission.

Highlights from NJSBA’s Workshop 2024
Workshop 2024 featured engaging speakers, informative training sessions, amazing student performances, an exhibit hall displaying an array of education products and services, and abundant networking opportunities for New Jersey’s educational leaders. Here’s a look back Workshop 2024: Quest for Student Success.