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School Board Notes

October 12, 2022 VOL. XL NO. 10

Milken Educator Award Comes as a Surprise to Jackson Township Teacher

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Christine Girtain of Toms River Named New Jersey's State Teacher of the Year

Christine Girtain, a teacher and director of the Authentic Science Research program at Toms River High School South and High School North, has been named the 2022-2023 New Jersey State Teacher of the Year.

Six New Jersey Districts Honored with School Leader Awards

Innovative programs in six New Jersey school districts have earned recognition in the New Jersey School Boards Association’s annual School Leader Awards.

Find Out What’s New at Workshop 2022

Workshop 2022 will feature several new programs and events, including a Student Innovations Showcase on the Exhibit Floor, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 25 and 26, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The showcase will feature the Student Film Festival, Student Art...

Don't Miss These Student Performances at Workshop 2022

The New Jersey School Boards Association will showcase performances by students during the 2022 Workshop Conference on Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 at the Atlantic City Convention Center.

NJDOE to Resume Implementing ESSA School Accountability System

In an Oct. 5, 2022, broadcast memo, the New Jersey Department of Education outlined that it would resume implementing the federal Every Student Succeeds Act school accountability system this fall.

Barnegat Earns NJSBA Board Certification

At the Ocean County School Boards Association’s fall meeting Oct. 3, members of the Barnegat Township Board of Education were on hand to receive Board Certification from the New Jersey School Boards Association.

Southampton Earns Carole E. Larsen Master Board Certification

At the Burlington County School Boards Association’s fall meeting on Sept. 28, members of the Southampton Township Board of Education received the Carole E. Larsen Master Board Certification.

New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Announces Additional Funding for HVAC Projects in Schools

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities announced in a Sept. 30 news release that additional funding is available under the School and Small Business Stimulus Program for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning projects in public schools.

ESSER Roundtable Series Continues

The Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief roundtables to inform and assist districts with new and innovative ideas and ways to utilize ESSER funds will continue throughout the rest of 2022, the New Jersey Department of Education announced in an advisory.

Notice of a Meeting of the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Executive Committee

The New Jersey School Boards Association’s Executive Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022.

Obituary: Laurie Fitchett, Former Green Brook Board Member and Former NJPTA President, Dies

She served on the Green Brook Board of Education and Green Brook PTA for many years. She also held positions in the New Jersey School Boards Association and the New Jersey PTA, serving as vice president of the NJSBA from...