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School Board Notes

October 5, 2021 Vol. XLV No. 9
N.J. Schools Chief to Speak at Workshop at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 28

New Jersey Department of Education Acting Commissioner to Deliver Workshop Address

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Legislative Update: New Laws Establish Mental Health Grants, Promote STEM, Combat Food Insecurity

Among the measures, signed last week, is a grant program to promote depression screenings for students in grades 7-12.


Court: Vaccine Requirement for City Employees Not Mandatorily Negotiable

The court found that the city had a managerial prerogative to protect the health and safety not only of its employees, but also of residents who have contact with city employees.


U.S. Justice Department Directs FBI to Respond to Violent Threats Against School Officials

The move comes less than a week after the National School Boards Association wrote urging the federal government to help education officials respond to harassment, threats and criminal conduct.


County Associations Gather In-Person and Online in Hybrid Meetings

Members may attend meetings — both virtual and in-person — of any county association in the state.


Guidance on IDEA Obligations from the U.S. Department of Education

The document assists districts in understanding their obligations under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.


Final E-Procurement Regulations Adopted

Last week, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs' Division of Local Government Services issued a document describing the final regulations authorizing use of electronic procurement by boards of education.


NJSBA Board of Directors Highlights

The New Jersey School Boards Association’s board of directors met in-person and virtually on Friday, Jan. 5, 2024.  Karen Cortellino, M.D., president of NJSBA, presided over the meeting from the Association’s headquarters in Trenton.  


NJSBA Delegate Assembly: Registration Open Now

The Delegate Assembly will be held virtually on Nov. 20, 2021.


Notice: NJSBA Resolutions Subcommittee Meeting Time Change

The meeting will be held remotely on Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 4 p.m.


New Jersey Safe Schools Program Offers Teacher Training for Supervising Work-Based Learning

The New Jersey Safe Schools Program is providing teachers work-based learning supervisory trainings for career and technical education (CTE).