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Into the Fold: Introducing New School Board Members to Your District
It is critical that a new board member understand the workings of his or her own board. That’s why it is important for a local board to conduct some sort of orientation to acquaint the new board members with the district.
The Deadly Dozen
Take a look at twelve board member mistakes that are easy to make, but hard to fix.
What Board Members Want to Know: FSRs Answer Common Questions
NJSBA’s field service representatives are a little like the old-fashioned family doctors that made house calls, bringing with them a wealth of resources, recommendations and wisdom.
Calming the Crowd: Coping with an Angry Public at Board Meetings
Think you might be facing an angry public at your next board meeting? Here are strategies for handling the situation.
Presidential Success: What it Takes to Be a Good Board President
Take look at the primary responsibilities and the principles that must be applied consistently in order to be successful in the role of board president.
When Silence is Golden: Board Members and Confidential Information
The board member Code of Ethics states, “I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which, if disclosed, would needlessly injure individuals or the schools.” It sounds fairly simple, but breaching confidentiality is one of the most common violations of the school ethics act.
Grading Your Superintendent – Superintendent Evaluations
The exercise of evaluating your superintendent is one of the most important responsibilities a school board has. It’s also a legal requirement.