The New Jersey Department of Education recently sent out an advisory reminding local educational agencies about the requirements outlined in P.L. 2015, c.123 and N.J.S.A. 18A:39-19.4 related to the use of the student information card for school bus drivers and school bus aides serving students with disabilities.

The student information card is required to include information that should be readily available to school bus drivers and school bus aides. The student information card is a vital resource that equips school bus drivers and aides with key information to support appropriate and effective interactions with students with disabilities.

The parent or guardian of a student with an Individualized Education Program is responsible for completing the student information card when the IEP is developed or amended for a student who receives transportation services. With the parent’s or guardian’s consent, the LEA is required to distribute a copy of the completed card to the assigned school bus driver and/or school bus aide on the relevant bus route. The card must be kept in an easily accessible location for both the school bus driver and school bus aide.

The student bus information card is available on the Office of Student Transportation website, under the “Safety & Training” tab.

Questions may be directed to the Office of Student Transportation via email at or to the Office of Special Education via email.