Voters will head to the polls for a special election on Tuesday, Jan. 28, to decide various school construction proposals.
Statewide, the New Jersey School Boards Association has learned of four boards of education with construction questions on the ballot.
Statewide bonding amount proposed: $174,424,726.
State funding of proposed questions: $40,823,442.
Under the Educational Facilities and Construction and Financing Act of 2000, the state will fund at least 40% of eligible school construction costs through annual debt service aid.
Here are the statewide figures gathered from the offices of the county clerks.
Gloucester County
Pitman: The board of education has two bond proposal questions on the ballot.
Bond proposal 1: The board of education is seeking authorization to undertake various improvements to Pitman elementary school, including but not limited to boiler and heat infrastructure replacement, including any related upgrades and various renovations and upgrades to multi-use toilet rooms, including acquisition and installation of fixtures, furniture, equipment and any site work and b) to undertake various improvements to Pitman Junior/Senior High school, including but not limited to the partial roof replacement, the regrading and repaving of the parking lot, the reconstruction of the existing running track and various drainage repairs throughout the property, including any site work and c) to appropriate $14,220,000 for such improvements and d) to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $14,220,000.
The final eligible costs for the projects approved by the commissioner of education are $14,220,000 (consisting of $10,745,000 for Pitman Elementary School and $3,475,000 for Pitman Junior/Senior High School). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $14,220,000.
State funding: $5,688,000.
Bond proposal 2: This bond proposal will only go into effect if the first bond proposal is also approved by voters.
The board of education is also seeking authorization to a) undertake various improvements to Pitman Elementary school, including but not limited to the installation of various HVAC upgrades, including any related upgrades; b) to undertake various improvements to Pitman Junior/Senior High School, including acquisition and installation of figures, furniture, equipment and any site work; and c) to appropriate $7,032,000 for such improvements and d) to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $7,032,000.
The final eligible costs for the projects approved by the commissioner of education are $7,032,000 (consisting of $6,782,000 for Pitman Elementary School and $250,000 for Pitman Junior/Senior High School). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $7,032,000.
State funding: $2,812,800.
Mercer County
Princeton: The board of education has three bond proposal questions on the ballot.
Bond proposal 1: The board of education is seeking authorization to (a) provide HVAC renovations, alterations and improvements at Princeton High School and additions, renovations, alterations and improvements at Community Park School, including fixtures, furnishings, equipment, site work and related work; (b) to appropriate $37,905,000 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district for such purposes in the principal amount of $37,905,000.
The final eligible costs of the projects approved by the commissioner of education are $22,014,414 (with $16,400,000 allocated to Princeton High School and $5,614,414 allocated to Community Park School). The proposed improvements include $2,789,930 allocated to Community Park School for elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the commissioner of education or not otherwise eligible for state support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $37,905,000.
State funding: $8,805,765.60.
Bond proposal 2: This bond proposal would only go into effect if both the first bond proposal and this bond proposal are approved by the voters.
The board of education is seeking authorization to (a) provide additional renovations, alterations and improvements at Princeton High School and additions, renovations, alterations and improvements at Princeton Middle School, including fixtures, furnishings, equipment, site work and related work; (b) to appropriate $38,300,000 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district for such purposes in the principal amount of $38,300,000.
The final eligible costs of the projects approved by the commissioner of education are $12,610,896 (with $3,050,000 allocated to Princeton High School and $9,560,896 allocated to Princeton Middle School). The proposed improvements include $4,290,000 allocated to Princeton Middle School for elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the commissioner of education or not otherwise eligible for state support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $38,300,000.
State funding: $5,044,358.40.
Bond proposal 3: This bond proposal will only go into effect if the first two bond proposals are also approved by voters.
The board of education is also seeking authorization to (a) provide additions, renovations, alterations and improvements at Littlebrook Elementary School, including fixtures, furnishings, equipment, site work and related work; (b) to appropriate $12,915,000 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district for such purposes in the principal amount of $12,915,000.
The final eligible costs of these projects approved by the commissioner of education are $2,509,989. The proposed improvements include $2,315,950 for elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the commissioner of education or not otherwise eligible for state support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the project.
Bonding amount proposed: $12,915,000.
State funding: $1,003,995.60
If all three bond proposals are approved by the voters at this election, the board of education will be authorized to undertake school capital projects for a total cost of $89,120,000 and to issue bonds in the total principal amount of $89,120,000 to fund the projects.
Morris County
Mendham Borough: The board of education has two bond proposal questions on the ballot.
Bond proposal 1: The board of education is seeking authorization to (a) provide for renovations, alterations and improvements at Mountain View Middle School and Hilltop Elementary School, including acquisition and installations of fixtures, furnishings and equipment, sitework and related works and costs: (b) to appropriate $9,964,305 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district therefore in the principal amount of $9,964,305.
The final eligible costs of these projects authorized by this bond proposal and approved by the commissioner of education are $9,964,305 (with $7,115,355 allocated to Mountain View Middle School and $2,848,950 allocated to Hilltop Elementary School). The projects include $0 for elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the commissioner of education or not otherwise eligible for state support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $9,964,305.
State funding: $3,985,722.
Bond proposal 2: This bond proposal will only go into effect if the first bond proposal question is also approved by voters.
The board of education is seeking authorization to (a) provide for the construction of an auditorium addition at Mountain View Middle School, including acquisition and installation of fixtures, furnishings and equipment, sitework and related work and costs; (b) to appropriate $9,317,520 for such purposes and (c) to issue bonds of the school district therefor in the principal amount of $9,317,520.
The final eligible costs of the projects authorized by this bond proposal and approved by the commissioner of Education are $0.
Bonding amount proposed: $9,317,520.
State funding: None.
Union County
The Board of Education of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District has two proposals on the ballot.
Proposal No. 1: The board of education is seeking authorization to a) acquire by purchase, gift, or condemnation the property located at Block No. 91, Lot No. 26, as identified on the tax map of the Borough of Fanwood; b) undertake various improvements, alterations, renovations, and upgrades, including but not limited to, the electrical system, fire alarm system, HVAC, and various relating building improvements to Brunner Elementary School, Coles Elementary School, and Evergreen Elementary School, including acquisition and installation of fixtures, equipment, and any site work; c) undertake various improvements, alterations, renovations, and upgrades, including but not limited to, the electrical system, HVAC, and various relating building improvements to McGinn Elementary School, Nettingham Middle School, Terrill Middle School, and Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School, including acquisition and installation of fixtures, equipment, and any site work; d) undertake various improvements, alterations, renovations, and upgrades, including but not limited to, the electrical system, fire alarm system, and various relating building improvements to School One Elementary School, including acquisition and installation of fixtures, equipment, and any site work; (e) appropriate $44,770,901 for such improvements; and (f) issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $44,770,901.
The final eligible costs for the projects approved by the commissioner of education are $33,707,001 (consisting of $0 for the purchase of the property located at Block No. 91, Lot No. 26, as identified on the tax map of the Borough of Fanwood, $2,414,740 for Brunner Elementary School, $5,226,350 for Coles Elementary School, $5,242,861 for Evergreen Elementary School, $3,125,330 for McGinn Elementary School, $3,978,570 for Nettingham Middle School, $9,227,940 for Terrill Middle School, $3,354,490 for Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School, and $1,136,720 for School One Elementary School). The projects include $11,063,900 (consisting of the purchase of the property located at Block No. 91, Lot No. 26, as identified on the tax map of the Borough of Fanwood) for school facility construction elements in addition to the facilities efficiency standards developed by the commissioner of education or not otherwise eligible for State support pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7G-5(g). The state debt service aid percentage will equal 40% of the annual debt service due with respect to the final eligible costs of the projects.
Bonding amount proposed: $44,770,901.
State funding: $13,482,800.40.
Proposal No. 2: The board of education is also seeking authorization to raise an additional $1,144,700.00 for general funds in the 2024-2025 school year. These taxes will be used exclusively to provide for administration, staffing, nurse, security, custodial, operational costs, various services and supplies, and related equipment for the 330 South Avenue school building. Approval of these taxes will result in a permanent
increase in the district’s tax levy. The additional taxes authorized herein will be used exclusively for purposes described herein and to finance expenditures that are in addition to those necessary to achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Stay tuned to future issues of School Board Notes, which will report results as they become available.