The Archie F. Hay Award was established in the mid-1980s by the Bergen County School Boards Association “to honor local board members who exemplify Dr. Archie F. Hay’s leadership in education and his commitment to the children of Bergen County.”
Hay, a former Bergen County superintendent, was responsible for setting up the Bergen County Special Education regions and the Special Services School District.
The Archie F. Hay Award was presented to Eun Kang at the River Edge Board of Education meeting on May 22, 2024, to recognize her commitment and leadership to River Edge schools. Bergen County School Boards Association President Michael Jacobs attended the meeting to present the award.
“I am honored and privileged to work with such a dedicated, supportive, and student-centered board president,” said River Edge Business Administrator LuAnne Napolitano.
Kang, a former elementary school teacher and mother of two River Edge School students, serves as president of the board. She continues to ensure that the district best supports our students’ needs. She has served on the board since 2018 and has been president since 2021.
The New Jersey School Boards Association extends its heartfelt congratulations to Kang for winning the prestigious award.