• Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (Assembly Education Chair); Assemblywoman Luanne Peterpaul; Karen Cortellino, M.D., NJSBA president; Dr. Timothy Purnell, NJSBA executive director and CEO; Assemblywoman Margie Donlon, M.D.; Assemblywoman Andrea Katz; Assemblywoman Rosaura Bagolie; Ray Pinney, NJSBA chief membership engagement officer; Harrison Silver, NJSBA legislative advocate. Back row: Assemblywoman Carmen Theresa Morales; Dr. Tom Connors, NJSBA vice president for finance; Chanta L. Jackson, NJSBA vice president for legislation/resolutions; Barry Fitzgerald, NJSBA vice president for county activities; and Jonathan Pushman, NJSBA senior director of advocacy.


On Thursday, Jan. 30, NJSBA President Karen Cortellino, M.D., along with Dr. Timothy J. Purnell, NJSBA executive director and CEO, accepted a joint legislative resolution from the Assembly and Senate commemorating School Board Recognition Month.

In part, the resolution reads:

“Whereas … the tremendous work accomplished by local boards of education and charter school boards of trustees have helped make New Jersey a national leader in student achievement and the selfless men and women who serve on these boards are further appreciated for the countless hours they devote, without remuneration, to the oversight of school operations …

Be it resolved: that this Legislature hereby joins in commemorating School Board Recognition Month and encourages all New Jerseyans to participate fittingly in this important observance …”

The resolution was sponsored by Assemblywomen Luanne Peterpaul and Margie Donlon, M.D., and Sen. Vin Gopal of District 11. 

On behalf of the entire Association Cortellino thanked Speaker Craig Coughlin, Peterpaul, Donlon, Gopal and the entire Legislature for honoring local boards of education in New Jersey.  

Purnell then spoke about the importance of boards of education remaining nonpartisan and noted that the NJSBA maintains a strict policy of nonpartisanship in the training and resources it provides to local boards.

Also on hand to receive the resolution were the Association’s officers, Barry Fitzgerald, vice president for county activities; Dr. Tom Connors, vice president for finance; and Chanta L. Jackson; vice president for legislation/resolutions. In addition, several NJSBA staff members attended the ceremony, including Jonathan Pushman, senior director of advocacy; Ray Pinney, chief membership engagement officer; and Harrison Silver, legislative advocate.