TRENTON, September 13, 2017—The New Jersey School Boards Association, a federation of the state’s local boards of education, today expressed its support for the Newark Board of Education as the city’s school district returns to local control. The New Jersey State Board of Education voted to end state control of the district today. Newark had been under full state intervention for 22 years. “Throughout the period of state control, the New Jersey School Boards Association has provided assistance to the Newark School District and its advisory board of education with the goal of advancing effective governance and the education program for the city’s public school children,” explained Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, NJSBA executive director. “We commend the work of the Newark advisory board of education and State District Superintendent Chris Cerf on this milestone for the city’s school district. NJSBA looks forward to continuing our assistance to the school district as it completes the transition to local control.”


The New Jersey School Boards Association is a federation of the state’s local boards of education and includes the majority of New Jersey’s charter schools as associate members. NJSBA provides training, advocacy and support to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance.