The Sussex County School Boards Association held a meeting Dec. 4 at Green Hills School in Green Township.
SCSBA thanks Green Township School District Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Cenatiempo, Karen Constantino, business administrator; Marie Bilik, board president; board members and various staff for serving as great hosts for the meeting.
Wayne Dunn, SCSBA president, welcomed the nearly 40 attendees in person and virtually, including the 10 newly elected board of education members who attended the 3Rs training before the meeting.
Green Hills School kindergarten teacher Sarah Pittenger was on hand with her kindergarten class, which began the SCSBA meeting with the pledge of allegiance, national anthem and You’re a Grand Old Flag!
Wayne Dunn, SCSBA president, recognized the 17 “retiring” board of education members from Sussex County who represented 68 years of service to the students and districts in Sussex County. Kelly Mitchell, a field service representative with NJSBA, delivered a field services report; the members of Sussex County SBA approved a county bylaws modernization process that updated the bylaws for the county association.
Chanta L. Jackson, NJSBA’s vice president for legislation/resolutions, shared greetings from the NJSBA officers. Marie Bilik, a board of directors’ delegate to the New Jersey School Boards Association, delivered an update to members; and then the members had the opportunity to participate in two roundtable discussions.
The first roundtable discussion was hosted by Jackson and focused on school district public relations and the second was hosted by Joanne L. Butler, a partner at Schenck Price Smith & King LLP, and focused on the recent School Ethics Commission updates.
A variety of other important business was also carried out at the meeting.