Resolutions stating proposed policy positions may be submitted by local boards of education, county school boards associations, the New Jersey School Boards Association’s Board of Directors and standing committees for consideration at the NJSBA’s meeting of delegates on Saturday, May 14. Policy adopted by the Delegate Assembly is included in NJSBA’s Manual of Positions and Policies on Education. That policy determines what NJSBA will advocate for, or oppose, in Trenton, Washington, D.C., and the courts. Resolutions for the May 14 meeting must be received at NJSBA’s office by 5 p.m. Thursday, March 10. Notice regarding the cutoff date was emailed to school business administrators, county association presidents, board presidents and board delegates Dec. 13, 2021. That notice included the Delegate Assembly resolution format and the NJSBA resolution dates. Resolutions should be emailed to Cindy Harrison – or faxed to her attention at 609-695-1577. Resolutions should also be sent by regular mail with a cover letter requesting such action to:

Resolutions, May 2022 Delegate Assembly Attn: Cindy Harrison New Jersey School Boards Association 413 West State Street Trenton, New Jersey 08618

Notification of receipt of board resolutions will be emailed to the board no later than one week after receipt. Before developing a resolution, boards are encouraged to review other policies related to the one you are submitting. You may review, print and/or download policies from the NJSBA website.